Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, February 4

This is a W Day.


The final Spelling Club meeting will be this Tuesday, February 5th in room 107 from 2:50 – 4:00.  See you then.  Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Gilmore

Outdoor Games Club will be taking a break until the weather gets nice again.  Listen for the announcements about when we will start back up again.

Student Council: Don’t forget the mandatory meeting on Tuesday, after school in Room 82.  We have a lot to discuss and work on for the final semester.  See you then.

Students who have received an invitation to apply for NJHS should pick up an application in student services and be sure to return it before the February 7 deadline.

Attention All Skiers and Snowboarders – The Euclid ski/snowboard trip to Winter Park is coming up on Saturday, March 8.  Get a reservation form in the cafeteria or from Mr. Vaitaitis.  This trip fills up fast so get your form turned in ASAP.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones

Quote: “No thing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” –Henry Ford