This is a B Day.
8th Grade:
Attention 8th grade WEB leaders! Today, December 13 we will be having our annual WEB Winterfest Celebration. Come to the double classroom after school from 3:00-4:00 p.m. We will have snacks and drinks and we will be decorating notes for your sixth grade WEB groups. Please let Ms. Farnham or Mrs. Atherton know if you cannot attend. We’ll see you there!
Have you ever wanted to build a gingerbread house? Come join the fun after school on Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th. All you need is an empty milk carton from lunch. If you are interested, the sign-up will be in the cafeteria on Wednesday through Friday. You can also sign-up with Mrs. Campbell-Poole, Mrs. Elkins, Mrs. Kreeger, or Mrs. Olsen in their classrooms.
To Staff and all Grades,
Today we will be serving a Holiday Lunch. We have turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, hot rolls, green beans and pumpkin pie. This will be the only choice for lunch on Thursday. We hope to see you there, Your Kitchen
Please check the Lost and Found for any articles you are missing. The Lost and Found will be donated on Wednesday, December 19.
This year student council is having a sucker sale! It starts on December 14 and ends next Thursday. The flavors that we have this y ear are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best
Quote: “We must strengthen and comfort each other. We must love one another. We must rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together.” –John Winthrop