Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

6th Grade Reminder:  On Wednesdays, after you leave your last elective and go back to core, please use the main hallway...Do not use the 8th grade hallway. 


Turn in those feathers if you want to attend the 6th grade falcon feather award party on December 14th. You must turn in falcon feather number one by Dec. 7th to attend. If you need help filling those out and completing the tasks ask one of your student leaders from Leadership class.  


7th Grade:

Save the Date 7th Grade Party - Dancing through the Decades! It's November 8th in the cafeteria from 4:00-5:15 PM. It's FREE!!  


7th Grade girls basketball - First game is Thursday, November 1st at Goddard. Please meet right after school in the gym. Bring your jersey and your water bottle. There will be buses returning to school after the game.


7th & 8th Grade:

Student council members/leadership students attending the field trip on Thursday, November 1, make sure to check in to your period 1 teacher and at 9:00 AM go to the double classroom so we can take attendance and leave at 9:10.  Turn in all homework for that day and get the homework that will be due on Friday. Don't forget lunch is provided and they will also give you a shirt to wear on that day.  Don't bring anything with you - no backpacks, no phones. 


All Grades:           

The Lost and Found is full and will be bagged up at the end of this week,  please check the Lost and Found table during your lunch to claim any of your items.


Attention Sources of Strength Student Leaders! We will meet Thursday, November 1st after school from 4-5 PM in the double classroom! 


Magic the Gathering Club will be canceled this Thursday, November 1st, due to Mrs. Sullivan being at a meeting.  We will continue to meet the following Thursday, on November 8th.


Brain Bowl - Our next practice today, Wednesday, October 31st after school. Meet in Mr. Tuke's room (0927) in the Venture Core hallway. If you would like to be in Brain Bowl this year, PLEASE come and see me on or before this day!


Attention Euclid students! NJHS is sponsoring a hat day on Friday, November 2nd! Pay a dollar and you can wear a hat all day long!  Remember that hats need to be school appropriate. NJHS members will be stationed at tables before school Friday to collect money and stamp your hands to show that you paid.


GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form Euclid Spirit Wear. The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.


For recognition of the students that have demonstrated being Respectful, Excellent, Accepting and a Leader we have selected the top 15 earners of Be REAL coupons from each grade. These students will be asked to come down to the counseling office at 3:10 to receive a pumpkin. Congratulations and Happy Halloween!!! 

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." –Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.

7th Grade:

7th Grade girls basketball - First game is Thursday, November 1st at Goddard. Please meet right after school in the gym. Bring your jersey and your water bottle. There will be buses returning to school after the game.


All Grades:           

The Lost and Found is full and will be bagged up at the end of this week,  please check the Lost and Found table during your lunch to claim any of your items.


Attention Sources of Strength Student Leaders! We will meet Thursday, November 1st after school from 4-5pm in the double classroom! 


Magic the Gathering Club will be canceled this Thursday, November 1st, due to Mrs. Sullivan being at a meeting.  We will continue to meet the following Thursday, on November 8th.


Brain Bowl - Our next practice is Wednesday, October 31st after school. Meet in Mr. Tuke's room (0927) in the Venture Core hallway. If you would like to be in Brain Bowl this year, PLEASE come and see me on or before this day!


Attention Euclid students! NJHS is sponsoring a hat day on Friday, November 2nd! Pay a dollar and you can wear a hat all day long!  Remember that hats need to be school appropriate. NJHS members will be stationed at tables before school Friday to collect money and stamp your hands to show that you paid.


GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form Euclid Spirit Wear. The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "One thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." –Albert Schweitzer

Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

7th Grade:

7th Grade girls basketball - First game is Thursday, November 1st at Goddard. Please meet right after school in the gym. Bring your jersey and your water bottle. There will be buses returning to school after the game.


All Grades:           

Attention Sources of Strength Student Leaders! We will meet Thursday, November 1st after school from 4-5pm in the double classroom! 


Magic the Gathering Club will be canceled this Thursday, November 1st, due to Mrs. Sullivan being at a meeting.  We will continue to meet the following Thursday, on November 8th.


Brain Bowl - Our next practice is Wednesday, October 31st after school. Meet in Mr. Tuke's room (0927) in the Venture Core hallway. If you would like to be in Brain Bowl this year, PLEASE come and see me on or before this day!


Attention Euclid students! NJHS is sponsoring a hat day on Friday, November 2nd! Pay a dollar and you can wear a hat all day long!  Remember that hats need to be school appropriate. NJHS members will be stationed at tables before school Friday to collect money and stamp your hands to show that you paid.


GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form Euclid Spirit Wear. The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "If you stay in school, you have the potential to achieve what you want in the future." –Ellen Ochoa

Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday, October 26, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.


All Grades:           

GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form Euclid Spirit Wear. The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.


It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Today is "PJ/Sweats Day" - Relax, Don't Do Drugs!  - Wear PJ pants, PJ's or Sweats and have a relaxing day.  Remember to be respectful of yourself.  

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "There can be no greater good than the quest for peace and no finer purpose than the preservation of freedom." –Ronald Reagan

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.


All Grades:           

The library is closed today after school.


Sources of Strength Student Leaders! Don't forget we have a meeting on October 25 in the double classroom from 4pm - 5pm. Please see Mrs. Kolker with any questions! 


GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form Euclid Spirit Wear. The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.


It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Today is "Crazy Day" - Don't be crazy, be drug free. Friday is "PJ/Sweats Day" - Relax, Don't Do Drugs!  - Wear PJ pants, PJ's or Sweats and have a relaxing day.  Remember to be respectful of yourself and others and wear school appropriate attire.  

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "Three helping one another will do as much as six men singly." –Spanish proverb

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.


7th Grade:

7th Grade Girls Basketball will hold their practice Thursday, October 25 in the morning from 7:45-8:45 am. See you there!


7th and 8th Grade:

7th and 8th grade: Attention NJHS members: There is an optional service meeting in Mrs. Milstead's room at 8 a.m. Thursday.


All Grades:           

The library is closed this Thursday after school.


Don't forget the student council meeting on Thursday at 8:00 AM in room 1122.  See you then.


Sources of Strength Student Leaders! Don't forget we have a meeting on October 25 in the double classroom from 4pm - 5pm. Please see Mrs. Kolker with any questions! 


GET YOUR SPIRIT WEAR NOW!! We have some cool new clothing items with our new falcon logo available to buy. We have two different hoodies and two t-shirts to choose from. Here's the link to print out an order form. Euclid Spirit Wear The DEADLINE to order is Monday, November 5th! Contact Mrs. Rand in the attendance office with any questions.


It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Do you have extra knowledge coming out of your ears? Do you like trivia and try to stump your siblings or parents with you factoids? Do you like pressing buttons? If any of these things sound like you, you might like Brain Bowl, the trivia competition for middle school students. An informational meeting will be held in Mr. Tuke room (0297 in the Venture Core hallway) on October 24th after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm. Come on in and check out Brain Bowl!


Today is "Fandom Day" - Be a Fan of staying healthy, stay drug free.  Tomorrow is "Crazy Day" - Don't be crazy, be drug free.  Dress in crazy socks, have crazy hair, wear a crazy hat.

Friday is "PJ/Sweats Day" - Relax, Don't Do Drugs!  - Wear PJ pants, PJ's or Sweats and have a relaxing day.  Remember to be respectful of yourself and others and wear school appropriate attire.  

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "When it rains look for the rainbows and when it's dark look for the stars." –Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

7th Grade:

7th Grade Girls Basketball will hold their practice Thursday, October 25 in the morning from 7:45-8:45 am. See you there!


7th and 8th Grade:

7th and 8th grade: Attention NJHS members: There is an optional service meeting in Mrs. Milstead's room at 8 a.m. Thursday.


All Grades:           

It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Do you have extra knowledge coming out of your ears? Do you like trivia and try to stump your siblings or parents with you factoids? Do you like pressing buttons? If any of these things sound like you, you might like Brain Bowl, the trivia competition for middle school students. An informational meeting will be held in Mr. Tuke room (0297 in the Venture Core hallway) on October 24th after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm. Come on in and check out Brain Bowl!


Today is "Twin Day" Don't give in to peer pressure, don't do drugs. Wednesday is "Fandom Day" - Be a Fan of staying healthy, stay drug free.  Wear any T-shirt that represents your favorite show, band, or anything you are a FAN of. 

Thursday is "Crazy Day" - Don't be crazy, be drug free.  Dress in crazy socks, have crazy hair, wear a crazy hat.

Friday is "PJ/Sweats Day" - Relax, Don't Do Drugs!  - Wear PJ pants, PJ's or Sweats and have a relaxing day.  Remember to be respectful of yourself and others and wear school appropriate attire.  


Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "In a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power." –John F. Kennedy

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

 Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader


This is a W Day.


All Grades:           

It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Attention wrestlers, grapplers and hard workers. 6-8th grade wrestling practice today at 4:00 PM in the wrestling room. Wear athletic clothing and be ready to work. See Mr. Borel with questions.


7th Grade Girls Basketball will hold their practice today after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm and Thursday, October 25 in the morning from 7:45-8:45 am. See you there!


Do you have extra knowledge coming out of your ears? Do you like trivia and try to stump your siblings or parents with you factoids? Do you like pressing buttons? If any of these things sound like you, you might like Brain Bowl, the trivia competition for middle school students. An informational meeting will be held in Mr. Tuke room (0297 in the Venture Core hallway) on October 24th after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm. Come on in and check out Brain Bowl!


Seeing so much red today - great job kicking off Red Ribbon Week and wearing red.  Every day this week we are dressing up to take a stand against doing drugs.  

Tuesday is "Twin Day" Don't give in to peer pressure, don't do drugs. Find a friend to dress like and Twin it OUT! 

Wednesday is "Fandom Day" - Be a Fan of staying healthy, stay drug free.  Wear any T-shirt that represents your favorite show, band, or anything you are a FAN of. 

Thursday is "Crazy Day" - Don't be crazy, be drug free.  Dress in crazy socks,, have crazy hair, wear a crazy hat.

Friday is "PJ/Sweats Day" - Relax, Don't Do Drugs!  - Wear PJ pants, PJ's or Sweats and have a relaxing day.  Remember to be respectful of yourself and others and wear school appropriate attire.  

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." –John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

7th & 8th Grade:

7th and 8th grade student council members - do not forget to turn in your permission slip to go on the Heritage field trip. You must turn it in to Mrs. Duran, room 1122, by Wednesday, October 17th.  


All Grades:           

There are NO late buses on today due to conferences.


It's that time of year again!

The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Attention wrestlers, grapplers and hard workers. 6-8th grade wrestling practice begins Monday, October 22 at 4:00 PM in the wrestling room. Wear athletic clothing and be ready to work. See Mr. Borel with questions.


7th Grade Girls Basketball will hold their next practices on Monday, October 22 after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm and Thursday, October 25 in the morning from 7:45-8:45 am. See you there!


Do you have extra knowledge coming out of your ears? Do you like trivia and try to stump your siblings or parents with you factoids? Do you like pressing buttons? If any of these things sound like you, you might like Brain Bowl, the trivia competition for middle school students. An informational meeting will be held in Mr. Tuke room (0297 in the Venture Core hallway) on October 24th after school from 3:50 - 5:10 pm. Come on in and check out Brain Bowl!

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to try harder than you do." –Derek Jeter

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.

7th & 8th Grade:

7th and 8th grade student council members - do not forget to turn in your permission slip to go on the Heritage field trip. You must turn it in to Mrs. Duran, room 1122, by Wednesday, October 17th.  


All Grades:           

There are NO late buses on Wednesday, October 17 due to conferences.


The Technology Student Association (TSA Club) will be today, Tuesday, October 16th after school in the double classroom!  We will then meet every Tuesday after that in the STEM and Woods Labs, starting in Room 1842. Come learn about our State Conference at the Denver Tech Center Marriott hotel and our National Conference in Washington DC! All future TSA students must attend this mandatory meeting!  See Mr. Grimes or Mr. Biddulph for more information.


It's that time of year again!

The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 28. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support!  Ask your P.E teacher for more details.  See you there!


Attention wrestlers, grapplers and hard workers. 6-8th grade wrestling practice begins Monday, October 22 at 4:00 PM in the wrestling room. Wear athletic clothing and be ready to work. See Mr. Borel with questions.

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." –Kahlil Gibran