Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
8th Grade:
Attention 8th grade girls...Volleyball tryouts will begin on March 5, 6 and 7. Come ready to play in the gym. You will be bumping, digging, hitting, setting, passing and serving! For a schedule of our season see Coach Otte in room 2122 or Coach Valentine in room 2123.
All Grades:
The next Green Team meeting is March 1 from 3:00 - 4:15 PM in room 1116.
Hey Euclid! Ready for a campout under the stars? Come to the All School Party from 3:00-4:15 on Thursday, March 8 in the cafeteria. Admission is free and there will be candy, pizza, games and more! Bring your school appropriate pj's or camping attire. Don't forget to join us!
Math Olympiad will be meeting Wednesday after school in room 1297.
NJHS Pennies for Patients Update: Keep up the good work! As of Monday night, we have raised $99.00. We are getting closer to our goal, of 750$. We are at about 15% of our goal! The homeroom leaders are:
6th Grade: Mr. Richardson with $14.40
7th grade: Mrs. Sullivan with $10.20
8th grade: Mrs. Atherton with $16.45
Keep the pennies coming in. You can also donate online by clicking on the Dollar sign icon on Euclid's homepage. Remember to have those donating type your name or homeroom into the comments section to get your homeroom positive credit! Remember, that you can sabotage other classes by putting silver money into their box which takes away points from their total. Keep the donations coming!
Words of Wisdom:
Quote: "There is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs." –Unknown