Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23

This is a W Day.


Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  All items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” –Joseph Addison

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, May 22

This is a B Day.


Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  All items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “From a short pleasure comes a long repentance.” –French proverb

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21

This is a W Day.


This week you will be receiving yearbooks that you ordered in August.  This is a reminder that you should only write appropriate words in another student’s yearbook.  Please remember not to pass your yearbook around but keep track of it at all times.

Reminder: Members of the Knitting Club, please return your knitting looms to Mrs. Goldstein today.

Last chance to check the Lost and Found.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak.” –Turkish proverb

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 20

This is a B Day.


This week you will be receiving yearbooks that you ordered in August.  This is a reminder that you should only write appropriate words in another student’s yearbook.  Please remember not to pass your yearbook around but keep track of it at all times.

Reminder: Members of the Knitting Club, please return your knitting looms to Mrs. Goldstein by tomorrow, Wednesday, May 21.

Last chance to check the Lost and Found.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Who is mighty?  One who makes an enemy into a friend.” –Hebrew proverb

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19

This is a W Day.


This week you will be receiving yearbooks that you ordered in August.  This is a reminder that you should only write appropriate words in another student’s yearbook.  Please remember not to pass your yearbook around but keep track of it at all times.

Reminder.  Members of the Knitting Club. Please return your knitting looms to me by next Wednesday.

Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  You have 6 days to look for items you are missing.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” –George Sand

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 16

This is a B Day.


Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  You have 6 days to look for items you are missing.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information about activities for the summer.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other.” –Thomas J. Watson

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, May 15

This is a W Day.


All student council members there is an end of the year party in Mrs. Duran’s room this Thursday after school.  Please come and have a great time.  There will be pizza and soda – bring a sweet item to share if you can.  Thank you for all of your service to the school this year!! 

All library materials which have not been returned are now overdue.  Anything that is not returned by tomorrow, Friday, will be considered “lost” and a fee will be charged to replace the book.  This fee will must be paid before you finish your check out process for the year.  8th graders who have not paid their lost book fee will not be allowed to go to Elitch’s.

And don’t forget, the winners of the “Return Your Library Books” contest will be announced on Friday morning, May 16.

Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  You have 7 days to look for items you are missing.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.” –Frederick Douglass

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 14

This is a B Day.

8th Grade:

All 8th grade girl’s Volleyball players PLEASE get you uniforms turned in today or you will be issued a $45.00 fine.


Thank you to everyone that brought a DVD, gift card, movie ticket or a DVD Player, for the Ronald McDonald house.  They were very thankful and were able to cross that need off of their wish list.  The next group will be able to focus on another need for the house.  Currently they have 45 rooms filled with families that are trying to care for children with heart transplants, kidney transplants, chemotherapy and many other medical needs.  You have made a positive impact on those lives and they are deeply appreciative.  A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Gilpin’s class who brought in over 2 DVD’s per person.  Thank you so much – you have won a party of your choice!!  Please let Mrs. Duran know what you would like to do for this party!!  2nd place went to Mrs. Duran’s 4th period class and 3rd place went to Mr. Coll’s class.  Thank you so much for helping out!! 

All student council members there is an end of the year party in Mrs. Duran’s room this Thursday after school.  Please come and have a great time.  There will be pizza and soda – bring a sweet item to share if you can.  Thank you for all of your service to the school this year!! 

The annual “Return Your Library Books” contest is in full swing.  If you still have a library book, magazine, flash drive or alpha smart checked out from the library, please return it as soon as possible.  We will reward the first language arts class, in each grade, to return (or pay for) all their library materials by tomorrow, Thursday, May 15, with a basket of candy from the library!  The winners will be announced on Friday morning, May 16.

Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found.  You have 8 days to look for items you are missing.  Items that are not claimed will be donated.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Most of man’s trouble comes from his inability to be still.” –Blaise Pascal

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 13

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

All 8th grade girl’s Volleyball players PLEASE get you uniforms turned in by Wednesday or you will be issued a $45.00 fine.


The annual “Return Your Library Books” contest is in full swing.  If you still have a library book, magazine, flash drive or alpha smart checked out from the library, please return it as soon as possible.  We will reward the first language arts class, in each grade, to return (or pay for) all their library materials by Thursday, May 15, with a basket of candy from the library!  The winners will be announced on Friday morning, May 16.

Last chance to check the Lost and Found.  You have 9 days to look for items you are missing.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “The way to develop the best in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.” –Charles Schwab

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, May 12

This is a B Day.


The annual “Return Your Library Books” contest starts today, Monday.  If you still have a library book, magazine, flash drive or alpha smart checked out from the library, please return it as soon as possible.  We will reward the first language arts class, in each grade, to return (or pay for) all their library materials by Thursday, May 15, with a basket of candy from the library!  The winners will be announced on Friday morning, May 16.

Last chance to check the Lost and Found.  You have 10 days to look for items you are missing.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “No matter how stout, one beam cannot support a house.” –Chinese proverb

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday, May 9

This is a B Day.


All volleyball girls please get your uniforms turned in as soon as possible!

Fishy Friends has one final field trip to the Downtown Aquarium on Friday, May 16th for $8.25 if you’re 12 or younger or $13.75 if you’re 13 or older. Stop by the front office or Room 204 for a purple field trip permission slip. All money and signed permission slips are due this Friday, May 9.

Remember: All library books are due today!  Please return all your books, magazines and flash drives to the library TODAY!

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Who ran to help me when I fell,

 And would some pretty story tell,

 Or kiss the place to make it well?

                 My mother.” –Anne Taylor

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 8

This is a W Day.


All volleyball girls please get your uniforms turned in as soon as possible!

Fishy Friends has one final field trip to the Downtown Aquarium on Friday, May 16th for $8.25 if you’re 12 or younger or $13.75 if you’re 13 or older. Stop by the front office or Room 204 for a purple field trip permission slip. All money and signed permission slips are due this Friday, May 9.

Reminder:  All media center materials are due back in the library this week, Friday, May 9.  Please return all books, flash drives, books on tape and magazines by Friday.

Do you have any DVD’s sitting around in your home? Is your wallet overflowing with gift cards? Do you have endless passes to the zoo but can never find time to go? All items donated will go to the Ronald McDonald fund. The week long Entertainment Drive for Ronald McDonald House begins today.  The new house needs to stock their DVD library.  If you have any gently used DVD’s or would like to go out and buy new ones that you would like to donate please start bringing in these items.  Every ten dollars (in gift card form) donated, counts as one DVD.  The person that brings in the most DVD’s per grade will win some kind of party, donut, pizza or ice cream.  We do not accept cash or broken or not working items. Today is the first day we will be accepting items.  Good luck. Please bring in only those items requested and only G, PG or PG 13 movies.  Thank you!!

Check the Lost and Found for any items you are missing.  Any items left will be donated at the end of May.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” –Izaak Walton

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday, May 7

This is a B Day.


All volleyball girls please get your uniforms turned in as soon as possible!

Fishy Friends has one final field trip to the Downtown Aquarium on Friday, May 16th for $8.25 if you’re 12 or younger or $13.75 if you’re 13 or older. Stop by the front office or Room 204 for a purple field trip permission slip. All money and signed permission slips are due this Friday, May 9.

Reminder:  All media center materials are due back in the library this week, Friday, May 9.  Please return all books, flash drives, books on tape and magazines by Friday.

Do you have any DVD’s sitting around in your home? Is your wallet overflowing with gift cards? Do you have endless passes to the zoo but can never find time to go? All items donated will go to the Ronald McDonald fund. The week long Entertainment Drive for Ronald McDonald House begins today.  The new house needs to stock their DVD library.  If you have any gently used DVD’s or would like to go out and buy new ones that you would like to donate please start bringing in these items.  Every ten dollars (in gift card form) donated, counts as one DVD.  The person that brings in the most DVD’s per grade will win some kind of party, donut, pizza or ice cream.  We do not accept cash or broken or not working items. Today is the first day we will be accepting items.  Good luck. Please bring in only those items requested and only G, PG or PG 13 movies.  Thank you!!

Check the Lost and Found for any items you are missing.  Any items left will be donated at the end of May.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Three helping one another will do as much as six men going it alone.” –Spanish proverb

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday, May 6

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

The Girls Volleyball “B” TEAM took top honors on Saturday with a 25-15, 25-23 win over Powell.  The “A” Team lost a hard fought battle 27-29, 24-26 to Newton.  The “C” Team beat Pathways 26-24, 28-26 to advance to the championship round but fell to Newton 25-23, 21-25, 5-15 to finish in 2nd PLACE!


Reminder:  All media center materials are due back in the library this week, Friday, May 9.  Please return all books, flash drives, books on tape and magazines by Friday.

Do you have any DVD’s sitting around in your home? Is your wallet overflowing with gift cards? Do you have endless passes to the zoo but can never find time to go? All items donated will go to the Ronald McDonald fund. The week long Entertainment Drive for Ronald McDonald House begins today.  The new house needs to stock their DVD library.  If you have any gently used DVD’s or would like to go out and buy new ones that you would like to donate please start bringing in these items.  Every ten dollars (in gift card form) donated, counts as one DVD.  The person that brings in the most DVD’s per grade will win some kind of party, donut, pizza or ice cream.  We do not accept cash or broken or not working items. Today is the first day we will be accepting items.  Good luck.  Please bring in only those items requested and only G, PG or PG 13 movies.  Thank you!!

Knitting club will meet today, Tuesday, May 6 for the final time this year.

Check the Lost and Found for any items you are missing.  Any items left will be donated at the end of May.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Charity is never lost…it ever does the work of beauty and grace upon the heart of the giver.” –Thomas Middleton

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday, May 5

This is a B Day.


Fishy Friends (Euclid’s Aquarium Club) meets today in Room 204 immediately after school.

Reminder:  All media center materials are due back in the library this week, Friday, May 9.  Please return all books, flash drives, books on tape and magazines by Friday.

Do you have any DVD’s sitting around in your home? Is your wallet overflowing with gift cards? Do you have endless passes to the zoo but can never find time to go? All items donated will go to the Ronald McDonald fund. The week long Entertainment Drive for Ronald McDonald House begins today.  The new house needs to stock their DVD library.  If you have any gently used DVD’s or would like to go out and buy new ones that you would like to donate please start bringing in these items.  Every ten dollars (in gift card form) donated, counts as one DVD.  The person that brings in the most DVD’s per grade will win some kind of party, donut, pizza or ice cream.  We do not accept cash or broken or not working items. Today is the first day we will be accepting items.  Good luck.  Please bring in only those items requested and only G, PG or PG 13 movies.  Thank you!!

Games club will meet today, Monday, May 5 for the final time this year.

Knitting club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, May 6 for the final time this year.

Check the Lost and Found for any items you are missing.  Any items left will be donated at the end of May.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “Compliment three people every day.” –John-Roger and Peter McWilliams

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2

This is a W Day.


Fishy Friends (Euclid’s Aquarium Club) will meet Monday in Room 204 for the fish auction. We will also have permission slips and information for a final field trip to the Downtown Aquarium on Friday, May 16.

Do you have any DVD’s sitting around in your home? Is your wallet overflowing with gift cards? Do you have endless passes to the zoo but can never find time to go? All items donated will go to the Ronald McDonald fund. The week long Entertainment Drive for Ronald McDonald House begins on Monday.  The new house needs to stock their DVD library.  If you have any gently used DVD’s or would like to go out and buy new ones that you would like to donate please start bringing these items in next week.  Monday is the first day of the drive.   Every ten dollars (in gift card form) donated, counts as one DVD.   The person that brings in the most DVD’s per grade will win some kind of party.  Either Donut, Pizza or Ice Cream!!  We do not accept cash or broken or not working items. Monday is the first day we will be accepting items.  Good luck.  Please bring in only those items requested and only G, PG or PG 13 movies.  Thank you!!

Games club will meet Monday, May 5 for the final time this year.

Knitting club will meet Tuesday, May 6 for the final time this year.

Check the Lost and Found for any items you are missing.  Any items left will be donated at the end of May.

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community

Quote: “If you treat a man as he is, he will stay as he is; but, if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be, and could be, he will become that bigger and better man.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, May 1

This is a B Day.


Games club will meet May 5 for the final time this year.

Here is the final date for knitting club: May 6

It’s time to look for those lost jackets, misplaced lunch bags and missing coats.  The Lost and Found is in the cafeteria.  Items that are not claimed will be donated. 

Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall.  There is information on activities outside of Euclid.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Doing What Is Right

Quote:         “In the average man is curled,

                        The hero stuff that rules the world.” –Sam Walter Foss