Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 18

This is a W Day.

ALL GRADES: Caitlin Nelson, 8th grade, is the winner of the Sertoma Club Freedom Essay Contest.  Congratulations Caitlin!

No Falcon’s Nest today.

6th and 7th grade ping-pong club is cancelled for today.

All members of the Wrestling Team who have not turned in their wrestling gear, please turn it in to Mrs. Knafelc before you leave for Winter Break.

We have an amazing school!!  Currently 8th grade is ahead in the donation’s for OPERATION SANTA with 6th in second place.  We have currently raised over $239.75 in our fundraiser.  It is not too late to participate in the huge PJ Bottom’s or Hat party we are having on Thursday.  If you would like to support the fundraiser just drop by our donation station in the cafeteria before school, make a minimum donation and we will give you a sticker.  Remember if you pay on Thursday the minimum donation is $3.00, then you will get a sticker to wear on Thursday that will allow you to be in PJ bottoms or a Hat on Thursday.  Thank you to all the very generous students that have contributed money for this cause. 

This year we are having a sucker sale!!! It ends today. The flavors that we have this year are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain Berry, Green Apple, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Strawberries and Cream, Watermelon, and Strawberry Kiwi. We even have sour flavors this year including Green Apple and Strawberry Kiwi!!! They also come in a cool shape like lips. If you want buy some suckers they will be available during lunch and after school.  Don’t forget, the suckers are going fast so you better hurry!!! 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “It isn’t enough to talk about peace.  One must believe in it.  And it isn’t enough to believe in it.  One must work at it.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday, December 17

This is a B Day.

ALL GRADES: No Falcon’s Nest this Thursday, December 18.

All members of the Wrestling Team who have not turned in their wrestling gear, please turn it in to Mrs. Knafelc before you leave for Winter Break.

Wednesday soccer club meets at room 112 for pictures and league dates assignments. All captains must attend and all players are welcome!

CANCELLED: Thursday 6th and 7th grade ping-pong club.

We have an amazing school!!  Currently 8th grade is ahead in the donation’s for OPERATION SANTA with 6th in second place.  We have currently raised over $239.75 in our fundraiser.  It is not too late to participate in the huge PJ Bottom’s or Hat party we are having on Thursday.  If you would like to support the fundraiser just drop by our donation station in the cafeteria before school, make a minimum donation and we will give you a sticker.  Remember if you pay on Thursday the minimum donation is $3.00, then you will get a sticker to wear on Thursday that will allow you to be in PJ bottoms or a Hat on Thursday.  Thank you to all the very generous students that have contributed money for this cause. 

This year we are having a sucker sale!!! It ends Thursday the 18th. The flavors that we have this year are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain Berry, Green Apple, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Strawberries and Cream, Watermelon, and Strawberry Kiwi. We even have sour flavors this year including Green Apple and Strawberry Kiwi!!! They also come in a cool shape like lips. If you want buy some suckers they will be available during lunch and after school.  Don’t forget, the suckers are going fast so you better hurry!!! 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to a friend, your heart; to a child, a good example; to a father, honor; to a mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all people, charity.” –Arthur James Balfour

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 16

This is a W Day.

ALL GRADES: Wednesday soccer club meets at room 112 for pictures and league dates assignments. All captains must attend and all players are welcome!

Thursday 6th and 7th grade ping-pong club meet at room 112 (not at the cafeteria) right after school.

Wow, what a start to OPERATION SANTA, We have already raised $159.00 to help the fostered and orphaned children throughout the community.  Eighth grade has currently donated the most.   If you would like to participate in the PJ Bottom/Hat day on December 18 and also help this drive stop by the OPERATION SANTA table before school in the mornings and make AT LEAST A $2.00 donation. When you donate we will check your name off the list and also give you a sticker that you must wear on Thursday along with your hat or PJ bottoms.   LET’S HAVE THE WHOLE SCHOOL IN PJ’S OR HATS ON THURSDAY!!

This year we are having a sucker sale!!! It starts on December 15 and ends Thursday the 18th. The flavors that we have this year are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain Berry, Green Apple, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Strawberries and Cream, Watermelon, and Strawberry Kiwi. We even have sour flavors this year including Green Apple and Strawberry Kiwi!!! They also come in a cool shape like lips. If you want buy some suckers they will be available during lunch and after school.  Don’t forget, the suckers are going fast so you better hurry!!! 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “Only justice, fairness, consideration, and cooperation can finally lead humanity to the dawn of eternal peace.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, December 15

This is a B Day.

7th Grade: 7th grade girls basketball: Join Coaches Vigil and Coll in Mr. Coll’s room 108 on Tuesday for donuts and juice to celebrate our great season together.  See you then.

8th Grade: 8th grade boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.

ALL GRADES: This year we are having a sucker sale!!! It starts on December 15 and ends Thursday the 18th. The flavors that we have this year are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain Berry, Green Apple, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Strawberries and Cream, Watermelon, and Strawberry Kiwi. We even have sour flavors this year including Green Apple and Strawberry Kiwi!!! They also come in a cool shape like lips. If you want buy some suckers they will be available during lunch and after school.  Don’t forget, the suckers are going fast so you better hurry!!! 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “The beginning and the end of Torah is performing acts of loving kindness.” –The Torah

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 12

This is a W Day.

7th Grade:

7th grade girls basketball: Join Coaches Vigil and Coll in Mr. Coll’s room 108 on Tuesday for donuts and juice to celebrate our great season together.  See you then.

8th Grade:

8th grade girls basketball team – the ice cream party will be in room 21 at 12:15.

8th grade boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.


This year we are having a sucker sale!!! It starts on December 15 and ends Thursday the 18th. The flavors that we have this year are Raspberry Lemon, Mountain Berry, Green Apple, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Strawberries and Cream, Watermelon, and Strawberry Kiwi. We even have sour flavors this year including Green Apple and Strawberry Kiwi!!! They also come in a cool shape like lips. If you want buy some suckers they will be available during lunch and after school.  Don’t forget, the suckers are going fast so you better hurry!!! 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “The most significant choice you make on a day-to-day basis is the choice of your attitude.” –Alexander Lockhart

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday, December 11

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:6th Grade Soccer Club is this Friday, December 12 at 7:00 AM.

7th Grade: 7th Grade Ping Pong is this Thursday, December 11 after school in the cafeteria.

8th Grade: 8th Grade Boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.

ALL GRADES: Attention fantasy football club members:  It is time for the end of the season party in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 on Tuesday, December 16 at 2:45.  We will have food, fun and games.  It doesn’t matter if your team is still in the playoffs come join us if you had a team this year and enjoy the festivities. 

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: The Gift of Optimism

Quote: “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” –John Homer Miller

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 10

This is a W Day.

6th Grade: 6th Grade Soccer Club is this Friday, December 12 at 7:00 AM.

7th Grade: 7th Grade Ping Pong is this Thursday, December 11 after school in the cafeteria.

8th Grade: 8th Grade Soccer Club is canceled for Wednesday, December 10.

8th Grade Boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.

8th Grade Girls basketball: If you haven’t turned your jersey in to Mr. Fischer, please do so immediately.  Don’t forget about the ice cream party this Friday.  The deadline to turn in your money is Wednesday, December 10.


Attention fantasy football club members:  It is time for the end of the season party in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 on Tuesday, December 16 at 2:45.  We will have food, fun and games.  It doesn’t matter if your team is still in the playoffs come join us if you had a team this year and enjoy the festivities. 


All-School Holiday Lunch

Date:  Thursday, December 11th

Time:  Your lunch period

Attire:  Dress up for the Occasion



Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Hot Roll, Pumpkin Pie and Milk


PTO will be decorating the cafeteria and serving pumpkin pie.

Mr. Vaitaitis will be filling the room with holiday music.


Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Success is peace of mind in knowing you did your best.” –John Wooden

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

6th Grade Soccer Club is this Friday, December 12 at 7:00 AM.

7th Grade:

7th Grade Ping Pong is this Thursday, December 11 after school in the cafeteria.

8th Grade:

8th Grade Soccer Club is canceled for Wednesday, December 10.

8th Grade Boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.


All-School Holiday Lunch

Date:  Thursday, December 11th

Time:  Your lunch period

Attire:  Dress up for the Occasion


Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Hot Roll, Pumpkin Pie and Milk

PTO will be decorating the cafeteria and serving pumpkin pie.

Mr. Vaitaitis will be filling the room with holiday music.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “I dare you to think bigger, to act bigger, and to be bigger.  I dare you to be strong and keep yourself fit.  I dare you to think creatively.  I dare you to lead and inspire others.  I dare you to build character.  I dare you to share.  And I promise you a richer and more exciting life if you do!” –William H. Danforth

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 8

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

8th Grade Boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.


Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 today after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Surround yourself with people that you can learn from, people who want more out of life, people who are stretching and searching and seeking some higher ground.” –Les Brown

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday, December 5

This is a B Day.


Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 on Monday, December 8th after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Good luck to all students who will be participating in the Littleton Public Schools Chess Tournament tomorrow at Newton Middle School.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “My philosophy is that doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” –Oprah Winfrey

Friday, December 5

This is a B Day.


Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 on Monday, December 8th after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Good luck to all students who will be participating in the Littleton Public Schools Chess Tournament tomorrow at Newton Middle School.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “My philosophy is that doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” –Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, December 4

This is a W Day.


The National Junior Honor Society meeting will be this Friday, December 5 at 7:00 a.m. in the double classroom. 

Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 on Monday, December 8th after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Good luck to all students who will be participating in the Littleton Public Schools Chess Tournament tomorrow at Newton Middle School.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.  A smile.  A word of optimism and hope.  A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.” –Richard M. DeVos

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, December 3

This is a B Day.


The National Junior Honor Society meeting will be this Friday, December 5 at 7:00 a.m. in the double classroom. 

Do not forget to come to the student council meeting on Thursday.  We have a lot to do before the end of the semester.  See you at 7 AM in room 82. 

Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 on Monday, December 8th after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “You lose a lot of time hating people.” –Marian Anderson

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2

This is a W Day.


Do you know the origin of the word gregarious?  Does knowing the word comes from Latin help you to spell it?  If so, then the Spelling Club is the club for you.  Join me in room 201 every Tuesday in December from 3-4 to practice spelling skills and prepare for the Euclid Spelling Bee.  I hope to see you there.  Mrs. Olsen

The National Junior Honor Society meeting will be this Friday, December 5 at 7:00 a.m. in the double classroom. 

Do not forget to come to the student council meeting on Thursday.  We have a lot to do before the end of the semester.  See you at 7 AM in room 82. 

Aquarium Club meets in Room 207 on Monday, December 8th after school. Those with signed permission slips will travel to Keys Island to purchase fish.

Fantasy Football club will be meeting in Mr. Yamnitz’s room after school at 2:45.  I will see everyone there!!!

Words of Wisdom                 

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.” –Seneca

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, December 1

This is a B Day.


Do you know the origin of the word gregarious?  Does knowing the word comes from Latin help you to spell it?  If so, then the Spelling Club is the club for you.  Join me in room 201 every Tuesday in December from 3-4 to practice spelling skills and prepare for the Euclid Spelling Bee.  I hope to see you there.  Mrs. Olsen

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “I do the very best I know how, the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end of time.” –Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25

This is a W Day.


Do you know the origin of the word gregarious?  Does knowing the word comes from Latin help you to spell it?  If so, then the Spelling Club is the club for you.  Join me in room 201 every Tuesday in December from 3-4 to practice spelling skills and prepare for the Euclid Spelling Bee.  I hope to see you there.  Mrs. Olsen

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty: not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” –Charles Dickens

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 24

This is a B Day.


Aquarium Club will meet today after school to clean the tanks.

Do you know the origin of the word gregarious?  Does knowing the word comes from Latin help you to spell it?  If so, then the Spelling Club is the club for you.  Join me in room 201 every Tuesday in December from 3-4 to practice spelling skills and prepare for the Euclid Spelling Bee.  I hope to see you there.  Mrs. Olsen

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “They are only truly great who are truly good.” –George Chapman

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21

This is a W Day.


Don’t forget!  Entries for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest are due today and the winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 25.

For any student who is still interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 6.  The registration deadline is today!  Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206.

Aquarium Club meets on Monday, November 24th after school to clean the tanks before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Words of Wisdom                 

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Your only duty is to do the best you can.” –David Seabury

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20

This is a B Day.

7th Grade:

Are you ready to challenge yourself?  Then the 7th grade party is the place for you!  It’s today from 2:45 – 4:10 PM in the gym and cafeteria.  It’s just $3 to join all the fun.  There’ll be games, food, fun and prizes!


Don’t forget!  Entries for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest are due tomorrow, November 21 and the winners will be announced on November 25.

For any student who is still interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 6, the registration deadline is tomorrow, Friday, November 21.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday!

Aquarium Club meets on Monday, November 24th after school to clean the tanks before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “It has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them.  They went out and made things happen.” –Elinor Smith

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, November 19

This is a W Day.

7th Grade:

Are you ready to challenge yourself?  Then the 7th grade party is the place for you!  It’s tomorrow, November 20 from 2:45 – 4:10 PM in the gym and cafeteria.  It’s just $3 to join all the fun.  There’ll be games, food, fun and prizes!

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students tonight, Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.

8th Grade Soccer Club has been cancelled for today, Wednesday, November 19.


Don’t forget!  Entries for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest are due by Friday, November 21 and the winners will be announced on November 25.

Student Council Members: Don’t forget to attend the meeting on Thursday, November 20 in room 82.  See you then.

For any student who is still interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 6, the registration deadline has been extended until Friday, November 21.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday!

Don't forget!  Brain Bowl meets tomorrow, Thursday, November 20, in the double classroom right after school. 

Aquarium Club meets on Monday, November 24th after school to clean the tanks before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 18

This is a B Day.

7th Grade:

Are you ready to challenge yourself?  Come to the 7th grade party on Thursday, November 20 from 2:45 – 4:10 PM in the gym and cafeteria.  It’s just $3 to join all the fun.  There’ll be games, food, fun and prizes!

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.

8th Grade Soccer Club has been cancelled for Wednesday, November 19.


Don’t forget!  Entries for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest are due by Friday, November 21 and the winners will be announced on November 25.

Student Council Members: Don’t forget to attend the meeting on Thursday, November 20 in room 82.  See you then.

For any student who is still interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 6, the registration deadline has been extended until Friday, November 21.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday!

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies inside us.”   –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 17

This is a W Day.

7th Grade:

Are you ready to challenge yourself?  Come to the 7th grade party on Thursday, November 20 from 2:45 – 4:10 PM in the gym and cafeteria.  It’s just $3 to join all the fun.  There’ll be games, food, fun and prizes!

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.


For any student who is still interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 6, the registration deadline has been extended until Friday, November 21.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday!

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.” –Harriet Lerner

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14

This is a B Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.


The LPS District Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  These forms MUST be turned in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday, November 14.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “The person who wants it all will lose it all.” –Mexican proverb

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.


The LPS District Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  These forms MUST be turned in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday, November 14.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “A duty to strive is the duty of us all.” –Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 12

This is a B Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.


The LPS District Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  These forms MUST be turned in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday, November 14.

Attention all fantasy football club members, we will meet today, Wednesday, November 12 in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 at 2:45.  I will see everyone there.

It’s time for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest!  Stop by the library to pick up your official entry form.  You could win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles.  Entries are due by Friday, November 21st and the winners will be announced on November 25th.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” –Victor Frankl

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 11

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School International Baccalaureate information night will be in the theatre tonight, Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 PM.

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.

Heritage High School Freshman Showcase Night is tonight, Tuesday, November 11 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM in the theatre.  Also the same evening, there is an Athletic and Activity information meeting from 5:30-6:30 PM.


The LPS District Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  These forms MUST be turned in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday, November 14.

Attention all fantasy football club members, we will meet on Wednesday, November 12 in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 at 2:45.  I will see everyone there.

It’s time for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest!  Stop by the library to pick up your official entry form.  You could win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles.  Entries are due by Friday, November 21st and the winners will be announced on November 25th.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Faithful service should be long remembered.” –American proverb

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday, November 10

This is a B Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School International Baccalaureate information night will be in the theatre on Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 PM.

Littleton High School is having their information night for incoming 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.

Heritage High School Freshman Showcase Night is Tuesday, November 11 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM in the theatre.  Also the same evening, there is an Athletic and Activity information meeting from 5:30-6:30 PM.


The LPS District Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School.  Registration forms are available in the student services office or from Mrs. Goldstein.  These forms MUST be turned in to Mrs. Lloyd in Room 206 by Friday, November 14.

Attention all fantasy football club members, we will meet on Wednesday, November 12 in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 at 2:45.  I will see everyone there.

Aquarium Club meets today after school in Room 207.

It’s time for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest!  Stop by the library to pick up your official entry form.  You could win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles.  Entries are due by Friday, November 21st and the winners will be announced on November 25th.

Having trouble with homework in your accelerated classes?  Join Einstein's Hat in Room 206 after school on any Monday for help!

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “By practicing a reverence for life, we become good, deep, and alive.” –Albert Schweitzer

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, November 7

This is a W Day.

8th Grade:

Littleton High School is having their information night for 8th grade parents and students on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30 PM.

Heritage High School Freshman Showcase Night is Tuesday, November 11 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM in the theatre.


Attention all fantasy football club members, we will meet on Wednesday, November 12 in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 209 at 2:45.  I will see everyone there.

It’s time to look for those lost jackets, misplaced lunch bags and missing coats.  The Lost and Found is in the cafeteria.  Check it out.

Aquarium Club meets on Monday, November 10th after school in Room 207.

It’s time for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest!  Stop by the library to pick up your official entry form.  You could win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles.  Entries are due by Friday, November 21st and the winners will be announced on November 25th.

Having trouble with homework in your accelerated classes?  Join Einstein's Hat in Room 206 after school on any Monday for help!

Words of Wisdom                 

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

After the election – treating others with respect

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6

This is a B Day.


It’s time to look for those lost jackets, misplaced lunch bags and missing coats.  The Lost and Found is in the cafeteria.  Check it out.

Aquarium Club meets on Monday, November 10th after school in Room 207.

National Junior Honor Society meeting will be this Friday, November 7 in the double classroom at 7:00 a.m. 

Don't forget that Brain Bowl meets this afternoon right after school in Room 206.

It’s time for the 3rd annual Library Bookmark Contest!  Stop by the library to pick up your official entry form.  You could win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles.  Entries are due by Friday, November 21st and the winners will be announced on November 25th.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.” –West African proverb